trade show displays Michigan

Traditions and Trade Shows

  With the Fourth of July less than a week away, it has got us thinking about traditions. Like, maybe you take a vacation with your family every year over the fourth weekend. Or, maybe you’re crashing a friend’s barbeque or catching your city’s fireworks. Whatever your plans are, most likely they are similar to […]

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Winning ways to use your trade show display during the off season

Your trade show booth display is an investment; an expensive investment. The average trade show booth display should account for 15-20% of your overall trade show budget. That could equate to thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars that’s just sitting around between shows, collecting dust. Whether you’re exhibiting at one show a year, or […]

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MultiQuad Modular Display Takes the Cake & Eats it Too

We don’t usually write something to toot our own horn, but we’re excited to toot it for this trade show booth display: the MultiQuad display system! Okay, okay, let’s back up. You know, start at the beginning. We have a fabulous client, ND Industries, Inc, and they came to us with a problem. After nine […]

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We’re proud to offer free exhibit design and consultation services to our clients. Our team of talented professionals can assist you with planning and executing the perfect trade show booth and display.

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